Club Service

Club Leadership

Our all-volunteer organization relies on members to lead the club forward.  There are many opportunities for members to participate as officers, board members, and leaders of our many initiatives.  Let us know if you are interested in joining our club leadership team.

Jill Cox




Jim Underwood


Ric Leutwyler



Sergeant at Arms

Pat Frost

Board Member

Dero Forslund

Board Member

Kevin Cahill

Board Member

Programs & Activities

Our weekly lunch programs feature speakers who share valuable information about matters of interest to our members.  Our social gatherings provide members and guests the opportunity to spend time together in a relaxed environment.  Join the team that handles the planning and scheduling of these important club events.

Leader – Jill Cox

Volunteers – Jamie Green, Kimberly Trujillo


Website & Community Outreach

Our website is continuously evolving to better support our club. In addition to providing members access to club information and resources, our website and social media pages are key parts of our community outreach. Members of this team work together to create and post content to our website and to our social media pages. 

Leader – Ric Leutwyler

Volunteers – Everett Harvey, Jr.

Newsletter & Publicity

Our weekly newsletter helps members keep up with club activities. Our outreach to the community helps us share important information with the communities we live in and serve. Members can help by sharing notes and images that tell our stories.

Leader – Pat Frost

Volunteers – Tara Jones, Ric Leutwyler, Jim Underwood